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Happy Valentine's Day

Hey Girl,

I wanted to personally send you some love on this special day. A lot of people tend to feel MISERABLE on Valentine's Day whether they're single OR in a relationship. The pressure of either making your significant other feel like the only person on Earth, or feeling lonely because you have no one can be overwhelming. I want to remind you of a few reasons why you should allow pressure from either sides to bring you down. Try to enjoy today and make the very best of it.

For The Single Pringle:

If you are feeling "some-type-a-way" today because you want someone to spoil or be spoiled by, you have a very wrong idea on what today is about. Despite the very many reasons people have behind the day's celebration itself, I believe that today is about showing appreciation for the people you love and love you, not presents, chocolates and extravaganzas. Although, that is part of what makes it sooo much fun 😍.

Remember that your day will come. The fact that you're single today does NOT mean you will be forever. Take some time and thank the Lord for the love you do have in your life right now, whether it's love from above or the love from trusted friends, family members, etc.

There is not one person in this world who is just totally and completely lacking in love. I am a firm believer that the Lord shows His love in many different ways, so bask in that and patiently wait for the day when you can spoil someone!

For The Lovers:

I am totally routing for you guys and am praying for your love to continue to grow in the love and peace of God. I hope you have a wonderful day today whether you're by each other's side or a billion miles away. I hope you avoid the pressure to compete with anyone else's Instagram post, story or lavish thing they attempt to do for their loved one. Do the very best you can and m ore importantly, focus on truly appreciating the one you have by your side, today and everyday!

I love you and God loves you!


Farrah LaRaé

Creator, Enjoy Your Life


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