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Maintaining A Healthy Mindset

Hey Girl,

Developing a healthy mindset simply means learning to governor your thoughts by the word of God. The Bible says, "Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 2:5) During his time on the earth, Jesus was a very patient and humble man. I noticed that the only time he became frustrated was when people disrespected our Heavenly Father by lacking faith and selling goods out of the temple. All other times, he handled negative situations in a peaceful way. As we live our daily lives, we must strive to think like, live like and be like Christ. He is the greatest example of this in His word. Here are 6 things you can do to stay balanced, focused and maintain a healthy mindset as a child of God.

1. Meditate on God's Words

Pick a few scriptures that help you in your times of frustration such as Philippians 4:8, Philippians 2:5, Psalm 34:18-19, I Peter 5:7, Proverbs 3:5 and Psalm 37:4 among so many others. Use these scriptures as reminders that your trouble will soon be over. Write them on a post card, make them the screensaver on your phone, type them out and frame them on the walls in your bedroom. Find creative ways to remind yourself to settle your heart in the Lord. 

2. Listen to Uplifting Music There are so many amazing artists out there who sing songs of hope, love and peace. Some artists who touch my heart specifically are Jonathan McReynolds, Livre', Todd Dulaney, Unspoken, Britt NIcole, Tauren Wells and Kierra Sheard just to name a few. Find songs that feed your soul and bring things back in perspective for you. 

3. Steady Your Heart Sometimes when something we don't like happens, we respond with an initial reaction rather than allowing ourselves to process the situation at hand and then giving an appropriate response. Don't get me wrong, some things call for an immediate response; however, many things don't. So the next time you want to comment on something totally ridiculous that someone said or did to you on Facebook, take a moment and evaluate the consequences. Will posting that benefit you in anyway? Will your witness still be valid to that family member or friend you've been trying to win to Christ? Will you regret and wind up deleting the post later? 

4. Entertain Uplifting Conversations One very important lesson I learned recently is that you must surround yourself with people who uplift you. If you are a good listener or give great advice, there's a good change that people look to you and often consult you for advice. In doing so, they probably express their frustrations to you and this can leave you feeling drained. Every now and then, it's good to have conversations with nothing but "good vibes." Find those people and hold on to them. Start and entertain good conversations and you will see a difference in the way you think.

5. Watch Something Inspiring Every now and then, turn on the T.V. to an uplifting show or movie. Go on Netflix or Roku and find a comedy or documentary about something you enjoy and let it inspire you. Look up babies laughing, preaching videos or random acts of kindness on YouTube and put yourself in a better mood than the one that's keep you down. 

6. Do Something You Enjoy 

When you find your mind feeling crowded or overwhelmed, take a moment to yourself and do something you love. Get some fresh air by going for a walk, swing at the park, spend time with someone you love, read a nice book, create something special, look thorough old photos (NOT of your ex), refocus yourself or pray a brief prayer of gratitude, thanking God for your portion and ask for strength and guidance as you complete your test. 

I pray that these tools are effective in your life. These are somethings that I have applied in my life and have found them to make a difference in my mindset when I feel the need to refocus. I love you and God loves you, God bless you! 


Farrah LaRae' Wynn 


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